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Showing posts from February, 2013


   Music in India through the ages Music is a gift of god offered to him for entertainment and to gain peace and solace. They are indigenous and depict the Indian culture. “Indian music is essentially impersonal. It reflects an emotion or wisdom of any single individual” Brahma is treated as the first musician. Vishnu is accepted as the originator of sovereign songs. Nerada was also responsible for creating the Vina, the oldest string instrument of India. Indian music as old as the history of India and has come down through the age by responding to the challenges of distinctive nature. The native music of the Harappans and Dravidians has left with us indelible impressions. The Aryans widened the scope in providing the wonderful melodic system. Their emotional trends have added to the unique qualities of music. The Natyasastra of bharath muni also refer to music. The Vedic Aryans recited the Vedic hymns in musical form and God is invoked by music. The Hindus treat nadam o